Hillcrest Christian School Summer Programs
We are very excited for our 2021 Ignited Hearts Summer Camp starting June 14th for all kids. Please reserve a spot before June 14th by submitting the completed registration form, payment and supply fee to our main office or by mail. Attention: Lisa Wilcox.
Our summer program is going to ignite the hearts of God’s children with worship, bible-time, crafts, sports, and other fun camp activities. We offer summer camp from infant to junior high ages. Come join us! “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” -Ephesians 2:10 To register, either download the form, complete it, and turn it in with payment OR scroll down to register online.
We are so excited for our Hillcrest Christian Camp to begin! This camp will be held at 449 E. Wilbur Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Summer Camp will be held June 14th - August 6th.
Drop-off and Pick-ups:
Payment is by check or cash. No credit card payments. Please return the registration form (or complete the form below) ASAP, along with payment but no later than Friday, May 14th to reserve your spot. Late enrollment accepted only if space permits.
- Daily snack: morning & afternoon snack
- An extra change of clothing - in a ziploc bag (Preschool ONLY).
- Daily water bottle, filled up!
- A cold (sack/lunch box) lunch. THERE IS NO HOT LUNCH OPTION. Remember to pack a fork or spoon, if needed, and a napkin.
- Please note: half day students need to be picked up before lunch, at 12 Noon.
- Bedding (Preschool Only:) bedding for rest time. Small, fitted crib sheet and blanket that will cover from neck to feet. Rest time is from 12:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. daily.
Drop-off and Pick-ups:
- The front entrance of the school will be used for drop-off and sign-in.
- Early Education Entrance for Infant, Preschool, and TK students.
- Elementary Education Entrance for K-junior high.
- Payment is due at the time of registration. All registrations are due no later than May 14th.
- Temps will be taken daily before admitting campers. Temp must be under 100 degrees.
- All approved pick-up persons must wear a face covering at drop-off and pick-ups.
Payment is by check or cash. No credit card payments. Please return the registration form (or complete the form below) ASAP, along with payment but no later than Friday, May 14th to reserve your spot. Late enrollment accepted only if space permits.
If you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you!
Summer Camp Registration Form
Both new and returning students must complete and return this form to be enrolled in camp.
All campers must turn in a ONE-TIME $50 Supply fee with registration form.
All campers must turn in a ONE-TIME $50 Supply fee with registration form.
Elementary Academic Enrichment
HCS Elementary Academic Enrichment will conduct summer classes for Hillcrest students on campus Monday-Thursday from June 14th - July 15th. Grade-level classes will be held from 8:30am - 11:30am and will include a morning devotional time, Language Arts with an Art and Geography component, and Math.
Students must register with Hillcrest for this program. Space is limited and registration will be handled on a first-come basis until capacity is reached. Registration begins immediately and will be available until May 21, 2021. You must bring the registration form (or complete it online) and payment to the main office to obtain your spot in the Academic Enrichment Program. Please include the non-refundable registration fee of $25 made out to “Hillcrest Christian School”. Please include your child’s name and Academic Enrichment in the memo line of your check. REGISTRATION CLOSED
Middle & High School Academic Enrichment
HCS Secondary Academic Enrichment will conduct summer classes for Hillcrest students on campus Monday-Thursday from June 14th - July 9th. Classes will be held from 8:15 AM - 11:30 AM. Students may choose to take up to three of the following classes for the session:
You must bring the registration form (or complete it online) and payment to the main office to obtain your spot in the Academic Enrichment Program. Please include the non-refundable registration fee of $25 made out to “Hillcrest Christian School.” Please include your child’s name and Academic Enrichment in the memo line of your check. REGISTRATION CLOSED