Make A Donation
We are committed to and steadfast in providing each student with a distinctive, unparalleled Christ-centered education. In order to provide the very best education for each student, we continue to raise the bar in academic standards, technology opportunities, extra-curricular improvements, leadership development, outreach, and mission experiences. It is both our commitment and hope that together, we can ensure the current and future success of each student.
Gym / Auditorium Naming Opportunities
Gym / Auditorium
$1,000,000 Court or Floor $250,000 Stage - TAKEN $25,000 Front Courtyard $25,000 Scoreboard - TAKEN $25,000 Lobby - TAKEN $20,000 |
$20,000 Landscaping $20,000 Changing Rooms for HS Musical $20,000 Donors Plaque in the Lobby $2,500 Bricks with a name and message outside of the building $1,000 |