Inspiring Academic Excellence“The teachers and staff at Hillcrest Christian School are dedicated to provide a high quality Christ-centered education with the goal that each student would be, “...equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We believe that each student has been given unique talents and gifts and we consider it both an honor and a privilege to partner with our families as we nurture and develop these God-given talents through rigorous academic courses, student-centered instruction and differentiation, and engaging extracurricular programs.
Your student is not simply a number at Hillcrest, but an image-bearer of God, created to accomplish amazing feats for His glory!" Our DepartmentsBIBLE
Department Overview:
The Hillcrest Christian School Bible department has an extensive biblical studies program. Our students will learn how to apply the Bible in today’s world. Our Bible teachers make the Bible experience relevant, applicable and meaningful for students. Students will gain biblical knowledge & understanding of Biblical figures, historical events, themes of the Old & New Testament and life lessons from the Word of God, especially from the teachings of Jesus Christ. Students will ensure the Word of God goes beyond knowledge as they undertake the spiritual discipline of Bible memorization to allow God's Word to penetrate the heart. Students will also engage in service experiences to bring their knowledge of the Bible into practical everyday life. By the time our students graduate from Hillcrest Christian School they will have a thorough comprehension and understanding of the Old and New Testament of Scripture. Students will also be able to understand what it means to live an abundant life in Jesus Christ as a Christian & learn the spiritual disciplines necessary to live out a healthy and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ.
Course Descriptions:
Old Testament Survey (Genesis to Nehemiah) An overview of the OT, specifically Genesis through Nehemiah. Students will learn the importance of God's created order & His purpose for mankind. We will then discuss the Fall of Man and how the Law proved the need for Jesus' atoning death on the cross. Students will get a firm understanding of the Israelites and their relationship with God as they were led to the Promised Land. We then discuss the conquest of Canaan and Nehemiah's leadership with the building of the wall around Jerusalem. Old Testament Survey (Esther to Malachi) An overview of the OT, from specifically Esther to Malachi. Students will study the faithfulness of God with His people, through historical events. We will look at the topics of Poetry/Wisdom (Job to Song of Solomon), & Prophecy (Major & Minor Prophets). By navigating through these books, students will be able to see the fulfillment of Jesus Christ more clearly. New Testament Survey: Books of the New Testament (Matthew to Revelation) Overview of the New Testament. Students will be taken through the gospel accounts of Jesus Christ. We spend time looking at his lifestyle, his character, his nature, and how his example shapes us as Christians. We then navigate how his life, death, and resurrection led to the birth of the Church and its impact. We take a look at the church letters of Paul, Peter, and John and discuss the issues the early church faced. We then end with a basic understanding of the book of Revelation, giving students an understanding of its purpose as they learn to long for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Paul’s Missionary Journeys Students will get an in depth look at the three missionary journeys of Paul. We will take a look at his conversion and how his lifestyle reflected that of a man transformed by Jesus Christ. We will take a look at the locations he spent time in spreading the gospel, the people he encountered, specifically who received the gospel and who opposed him. We take a look at the issues the early church faced and relate it to our world today. We take a look at the life of Paul, what he endured in following Jesus Christ, and the sacrifices he made to propel the gospel forward. ENGLISH
Department Overview:
The Hillcrest English department provides a comprehensive program in writing, literature, grammar, and vocabulary. Opportunities for both academic and creative writing provide students with the experience needed to find their personal voice and develop their skills in analysis, argumentation, and research. Our graduates are routinely recognized by their college professors as skilled writers with the ability to communicate far beyond the level of their peers. Literature studies include a focus on Shakespeare and the classics with particular emphasis on close reading, analysis, and biblical worldview. Grammar skills include the use of language conventions and the identification of parts of speech, parts of the sentence, verb tense and voice, phrases, and clauses. Vocabulary studies provide background on academic language commonly found on the SAT and ACT exams along with instruction on and practice with related skills. Our students graduate with confidence knowing they are fully prepared for the university of their choice.
Course Descriptions:
English 7 In English 7, students will engage in a diverse selection of literary works, fostering critical thinking and writing proficiency, while deepening their comprehension of God's Word. The course comprises four distinct quarters, each dedicated to different aspects of English language arts: composition skills, rhetoric and analysis, research writing, and poetry. As they delve into the depths of literature and Scripture, they will not only refine their language arts skills but also develop a profound understanding of how to apply enduring principles in their writing and daily interactions. The students practice Socratic discussion techniques and receive instruction on SAT/ACT vocabulary. English 8 English 8 emphasizes continued development in the domains of reading comprehension and analysis, writing, speaking, critical thinking and creativity. The program of instruction includes growth in the use of study skills, vocabulary, grammar and spelling. Writing skills focus on creative writing, analytical writing and academic essays. The curriculum includes critical reading of novels, short stories, poetry, and drama. Students study these genres in class and through outside reading assignments as well. These works are studied in order to develop students’ reading and writing skills including close reading and analysis. Students will learn to think critically about all works of literature from a Christian perspective. FOREIGN LANGUAGE
Department Overview:
The HCS Foreign Language Department recognizes that learning about different cultures and languages enables our students to appreciate and better understand the world around them. As students develop their proficiency in languages other than their own, they become better able to communicate with diverse cultures and to fulfill the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Course Descriptions:
Spanish Level I Through dynamic and engaging classes, students are introduced to the fundamental elements of Spanish, and begin the path of developing reading, writing, speaking, and oral comprehension skills. Students will learn basic greetings and introductions, present and past conjugation patterns, and other key skills that will prepare them for the courses ahead. In addition, we take a look at different Spanish-speaking countries to widen the students’ awareness and understanding of the diverse cultures that encompass the Spanish language. As part of our spiritual goals, the students will learn the Lord’s Prayer, as well as prayers of thanksgiving, and several other Bible verses in Spanish, As a culminating activity, students embark on a trip down to Olvera Street where they will get a glimpse of the Spanish speaking world, and put their knowledge to the test through a fun and engaging scavenger hunt where they will have to speak, read, write, and of course, understand Spanish! Spanish Level II Spanish 2 will take a more in depth look at the different elements of Spanish grammar, such as tense usage and formation. Students will learn a wide variety of vocabulary from daily routines to household, restaurants, health, and more. They will have many opportunities to speak and listen to people from different Spanish speaking countries. We will visit a local Salvadorian restaurant to experience firsthand how to order food in Spanish and taste the typical delicacies of other cultures. We will also have a supermarket scavenger hunt where they are given a grocery list in Spanish of items they must find within a limited amount of time. Spanish Level III In this course students will continue to sharpen listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills learned in the previous years. They learn to express themselves using an ever-increasing vocabulary, present- and past-tense verbs, articles, and adjectives. Grammar is introduced and practiced with a variety of learning styles in mind. Throughout the course, students experience the culture, people, geographical locations, and histories of the Spanish-speaking world. In addition, students will learn and participate in traditional games, songs, and activities that are present in the Hispanic culture. Spanish Level IV Spanish 4 provides a greater emphasis on the Spanish language, grammar, and culture. The primary purpose of the course is to prepare students to be college-ready, well-rounded global citizens who can communicate effectively in Spanish and are aware of the cultural influences of the Spanish and Latino heritage at home and abroad. Students in this course build on their Spanish knowledge by learning more complex grammatical structures and become equipped to read and understand a variety of literary selections and gain necessary skills to interact verbally and in writing with Spanish speakers in varied social and business situations. As part of the course, students will be afforded opportunities to read, write, hear, and speak Spanish while they work towards becoming linguistically and culturally literate. French Level I This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of the French language. It will give students a beginning level of proficiency in French pronunciation, grammar, and cultural understanding. This course will teach students practical language content, such as greetings and taking leave, asking and answering simple questions to meet survival needs, ordering food, traveling, and relating the gospel in a simple manner, all within the context of real-life situations. French translations of Bible verses will be introducing each chapter of the textbook while a biblical worldview will accompany the discussion of the major themes found in each chapter within both the linguistic and cultural materials. Fine arts
Department Overview:
The HCS Fine Arts Department believes that creativity is a gift from God, and focuses on developing the creative talents of each individual student. Our Fine Arts Department is committed to providing specialized classes and programs to meet the individual needs and interests of our students. Our students are taught that expressing their creativity through music, art, and drama is a unique and special way for them to reflect the beauty of their creator and to bring glory to God.
Course Descriptions:
Worship Band Worship Band will give students a broad overview of important relevant issues regarding congregational worship. The goal will be to build the kind of strong, humble worship team that will enhance and enable the congregation to praise God without obstruction or distraction. Students will meet regularly to pray, plan, lead, and reflect on the worship experience of our weekly chapels. Drama The goal of the Hillcrest Christian School Theater Arts Department is to help each student realize their God given talents and to use them for His glory. Each year the semester-long class devotes itself to the production of a classic Broadway musical. Past shows include Beauty and the Beast, The Wizard of Oz, Bye, Bye Birdie, Mary Poppins and most recently Oklahoma. There are two major elements to the class, the production component and the performance component. Students participate in all aspects of production including set design, auditions, daily rehearsals and eventually, final bows. Our students with dance experience design and create the choreography for the entire show! Our vocally trained students coach the other actors on breathing techniques and harmonies. The sets are designed, painted, and in the case of Mary Poppins, animated by the students. All technical aspects of the show, which include lighting, sound, audio/visual effects and stage crew, are student run. At HCS there are many opportunities for students to explore the exciting world of theater. In addition, there is the Hillcrest Christian Drama Club, officially chartered with the school. At the beginning of the year officers are elected who will serve throughout the year. The goal of the Club is not only to expand interest in the program within the school population but also to explore ways to use our talents in service to the community by offering free performances for charity groups and churches. Middle School Art This course is designed for students to explore and experience creative expression, critical evaluation, and a greater appreciation for the visual arts. While learning about the elements and principles of design, students will develop their drawing, painting, sculpting, and printmaking skills. A variety of famous artists and their styles throughout history will be studied. Art Portfolio In this course students will focus on portfolio development as they develop skills in producing high quality works of art. Emphasis is placed on understanding the elements of art and principles of design as a basis for composition. Students will explore a variety of artists, art processes and materials such as drawing, painting, printmaking, and two & three-dimensional design. Graphic Arts This course introduces students to the principles of graphic design and visual communication. Emphasis will be placed on the design-process using methods, strategies, and techniques to create original student artwork. We will explore a range of design techniques using various art materials and software programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Students will analyze, critique artworks and learn about the origins of graphic design in the history of art. Photography This course is an introduction to digital photography as a means of personal self expression. Creativity and the elements of visual composition—color, texture, value, shape and line—are emphasized. Photographic history will also be explored and a deepening of the student's understanding of the concepts, elements, principles, and techniques. It focuses on photography as art, as a creative means of personal self-expression. history
Department Overview:
The History Department at Hillcrest introduces students to the study of the past so that, by better understanding the world in which they live, they will be better prepared to live wisely, compassionately and intentionally as God’s image-bearers during their own unique season within it. In addition, as they engage firsthand with the rich tapestry of people, events and ideas throughout the ages, students will be challenged to become more thoughtful readers, more careful listeners, more discerning thinkers and more effective communicators. Course Descriptions:
World Studies 7 This year-long course invites 7th grade students to a Biblically-grounded survey of 1500 years of human history, in all their beauty and brokenness, from the birth of Jesus of Nazareth to the Protestant Reformation. Particular attention is given to the unique development of western civilization and to the lives and contributions of exemplary Christ-followers throughout the centuries. U.S. History 1 (8th Grade) How did the United States become the nation it is today politically, culturally, socially and economically based on its early history? To what degree is the U.S. an extension of European civilization? Why and how do the ideas of the American Revolution, as embodied in both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution with its Bill of Rights, start the nation on an enlightened path of democratic ideals? How does the young nation deal with contradictions in its system, such as slavery, and the consequences of that contradiction that will ultimately lead the nation to its bloodiest war ever – the Civil War? This course offers a chronological survey of the United States, beginning with Columbus, and ending in 1877 – the year that Reconstruction officially ended. It also emphasizes the development of economic, political, and social themes which can be traced through all of American history. Current events, a major research paper, and oral presentations will be integrated into the course. mathematics
Department Overview:
The Hillcrest Mathematics Department believes that every student can be successful and can learn to apply mathematical concepts to solve problems. We provide students with high quality, differentiated instruction to make learning possible for all learners. We challenge our students to be actively engaged in the learning process by asking questions, making observations, and connecting learning to their own lives so they can appreciate all that God has ordered and designed. In addition to daily lessons and practice in the classroom, our students have the opportunity to come in for extra support from their teacher both before and after school.
Course Descriptions:
Math 7 Math Grade 7 further develops students' mathematical skills, number sense, and reasoning abilities. Concepts include rational number operations, integers, proportional relationships, expressions, percents, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and probability. Students make sense of mathematics by using problem solving strategies, communication skills, and collaboration practices. This course is designed to prepare students for Pre-Algebra. Pre-Algebra Serving as a bridge between elementary mathematics and Algebra, our Pre-Algebra course builds a foundation of algebraic concepts through the use of technology, manipulatives, problem solving, and cooperative learning. Concepts include number properties, variables, expressions, linear equations and inequalities, rational and real numbers, exponent rules, and graphing on a coordinate plane. Problem solving, reasoning, estimation, and connections between math and everyday applications will be emphasized throughout Pre-Algebra. This course is designed to prepare students for Algebra I. Algebra I Algebra I is a critical component in secondary mathematics education. Topics introduced in Algebra I provide the foundation students require for future success in high school mathematics, critical thinking, and problem solving. The primary goal in Algebra I is for students to transfer their concrete mathematical knowledge to more abstract algebraic generalizations. Concepts covered include real numbers, linear functions, multi-step equations, systems of equations and inequalities, exponential functions and equations, polynomial operations, quadratic functions and equations, and graphing each type of equation. Students will utilize technology and solve problems using equations, graphs, and tables to clarify meaning and understanding. science
Department Overview:
“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so what is seen was not made out of things that are visible”.
- Hebrews 11:3 The Hillcrest Science Department provides a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum with engaging high-quality instruction that emphasizes hands-on, project-based learning with real world connections. Understanding science is a necessity in the world today. We challenge our students to be actively engaged in the learning process by asking questions, making observations, and connecting learning to their own lives so they can appreciate science and math, and persevere in an ever-changing world. With a wide variety of science courses including Anatomy and Physiology, Environmental Science, Marine Biology, and Sports Medicine, students are offered a supportive and collaborative learning environment in order to cultivate an excitement and appreciation for science as a dynamic and fundamental discipline.
Course Descriptions:
Life Science (7) Life Science is a 7th grade course that provides students with an introduction to the study of living things. Students will deepen their knowledge through more complex investigations and explanations. Students will be encouraged to ask questions and be able to recognize and explain relationships among variables. They will be able to critique conclusions that are drawn from scientific investigations. The Life Sciences comprise all fields of science that involve the study of living organisms including plants, animals, and human beings. Lab activities are designed to provide the students with hands-on experiences where the students can investigate and practice the scientific method, processes, and procedures. The curriculum is designed not only to emphasize critical thinking and skill development, but also to allow students to see God’s work in us and in nature. Physical Science (8) Eighth Grade Physical Science provides an overview of the physical world God created and introduces students to many aspects of physics and chemistry. Through inquiry and hands-on activities, students will explore concepts related to basic motion, energy, the particle theory of matter, atoms, chemical reactions, waves, electricity, and magnetism. This introductory course in physical science is meant to prepare students for success in more advanced sciences in High school. technology
Department Overview:
The HCS technology department is highly motivated to bring the best service and teaching to our students. We strive to provide a challenging, engaging, and fun atmosphere where students can effectively learn about the various components of computer science. They explore the history of computers, the evolution of technology, an introduction to basic computer programming, and security and safety issues. We also look at the intricate hardware components of computers and how they work, such as the touch screen. Each class spends time keyboarding (typing), a necessary skill for all to learn. In addition, each grade, students work to become proficient in MS Office (Word/Excel/PowerPoint), and the Google and Apple application equivalents as well. The upper grades will be learning Cyber Security, Java scripting and we are offering an AP course in Computer Science. |
- 95% of HCS graduates accepted into the College or University of their choice
- Educational Trips - International Program - Advanced Technology DEDICATED STAFF
- ASCI & WASC Accredited
- Nurturing Environment - Passionate to Shape Young Lives - Individualized Instruction - Small Class Setting ALL SCHOOL ACTIVITIES
- Musical & Drama
- Rallies - Dances - School Retreats - Discipleship groups - Class Competition DEVELOPING LEADERS- Leadership Development Opportunities
- Christian Character Development - Worship Band - Competitive Athletics - Weekly Chapels & Guest Speakers - Retreats for Spiritual Development EXCEPTIONAL
Hillcrest Secondary Educators
Suzanne Hume
Secondary Principal
Jessica Faulkner
Secondary Spanish & Math
Jaden Thompson
Secondary English Teacher
Denise Hobbs
Science Department Lead
Secondary Science Teacher |
Julie Thatcher
Secondary English Teacher
Leilani Smith
Secondary Science Teacher
Cord Christensen
Bible & History Department Lead
Secondary Bible and History Teacher |
Charlie Lee
Math Department Lead
Secondary Math Teacher |
Joshua Camper
Campus Pastor
Secondary Bible Teacher |
Rob Duenas
Secondary Art Teacher
Martha Jeanbart
Secondary Bible Teacher
Christopher Ramirez
Secondary Math Teacher
Nancie Blumenthal
Secondary History and Drama Teacher
Walter Hall
Secondary History Teacher
Lisa van der Merwe
Resource Coordinator
Julian Montes
Worship Band Director